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  • Writer's pictureJennifer Lind

Joy Comes In The Morning

Updated: Sep 13, 2018

Learning to laugh. Finding myself in Him. Choosing to follow.

Many of you, I've known for much of my life, but few know what my journey has looked like.

“Joy is indicative of relationship with the Lord."

My walk with the Lord has been more like a marathon. Anything but easy, however, my reward at the finish will be far greater. Many of my mile-markers have been moments of pain, loss, and tremendous heartbreak. People have often wished they could have my strength, my faith, my love, and especially my joy. Good news, you can! If you are reading this, it is not too late to start your own race. It isn't a competition, it is an invitation.

Joy, such a small word with such profound connotations...

I love sharing my testimony and allowing God to use me as He sees fit.

To be where I am today, is truly a testimony to the saving grace of my Father God. He alone saved me. He found me at my lowest and lifted me higher. He loved me in earnest, where I was, without expectation or requirement. He is my rock, my safety, my lover, my savior, my true friend, my deepest peace and my greatest joy. When I fell short, when I failed, when I sinned and grieved His heart, still He called me His.

"I want you all to hear my heart in these few and simple words... I am joyful because I am thankful."

God is just so good! He is continually working in me, in you and in the world around us with a desire to bless us. The same door of grace I chose to walk through is open for everyone. But it is a choice, your choice. No matter where you are, what you have done, or what has been done to you. God is good yesterday, today, & forever. He is faithful when we are faithless. He knows you. He knows every thought, every word, every action and He loves you. Don't hide behind shame, fear, doubt, condemnation, judgement or hurt. It is our choice to accept or deny the forgiveness offered to us by Jesus' sacrifice on the cross.

"The question I had to ask, one many of us need to ask, who's voice will I choose to believe?"

I have not walked a perfect road. I, like every other person in this world, have fallen short, but the Lord is the lifter of our heads! He alone restores what is lost and mends what is broken. Don't wait to turn your life back over to Him. Don't let the devil's lies continue to steal from your destiny! You are chosen by God, sent to this world with a purpose. Ask Him to come. Ask Him to help you. We can admit we are not strong enough without Him, it is not shame, it is strength! Scripture tells us that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ. Joy is indicative of relationship with the Lord. Because, in a place of intimacy with Him, we hear His voice of truth, which brings freedom through conviction, but never condemnation.

The answer I've come to find is that the world can't take from me, what it hasn't given to me. In Him alone, I find my belonging and receive my joy.

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