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My Journey 

Doctor Who?

In the beginning...

This journey began in March 2017, when God first spoke to me about doing a secondary school for primary healthcare training (IPHC). I was hesitant to move forward when God first showed me the door, I was thinking, "I trained to do veterinary work, not doctor people". At the time, I was working in accounts and praying about taking over as the financial director for the base here in NZ. This was a huge responsibility and not something I was taking lightly. I had been in accounts almost a year at this point and was confused when God placed IPHC on my heart. I began to pray about both options in the weeks that followed, until one day I received my answer from the Lord. I was to join the IPHC school.


This sounds like such an easy decision as I write it now, but it was one of the most challenging and faith testing times in my life. My dilemma; I couldn't just abandon my post in accounts as I was the only person the current director had to help run the office. IPHC was just about to start and I needed to commit if I was actually going to do it. So there I was, with a clear word from the Lord and no possible way to accomplish it in sight.


I began praying more and as the days went by, had even more peace that IPHC was where I was supposed to be. I began talks with the base leadership and we all tried to see how this was going to work and truly didn't get far. Finally a thought came to me. God has asked me to do this, so He will make a way, right!? I sat down and asked God how I could do what He had asked and also not leave accounts without daily supervision. The answer again came to me. I would do both, at the same time. It was crazy, but I trusted God would show me how to walk out this new season. I decided to be in lectures until the afternoon and then head into the office until dinner every day. But wait, there's more! At the same time God had me going through a season of reading the bible, cover to cover, twice! All those extra minutes in the day that I used to let slip by were now being poured into my relationship with Him and the fruit from that season was truly incredible. 


Primary Healthcare - April 2017












Sometimes we think we know how something is going to happen or that it will look a certain way, but we can't put God in a box. It took all of my commitment to walk through those three months of growing my relationship with the Lord, studying for exams, writing assignments, preparing teachings, completing book reports, serving in accounts and still finding time to keep up with my family and friendships. Honestly, if you asked me today how I did it, I would shake my head and laugh. It was by the grace of God. He gave me everything I needed and carried me through every obstacle. Oh, I forgot to mention, when I signed up for IPHC, I didn't have any of the funds that I needed for it or even for my flights. Is our God faithful or what!? He brought in support for all of my lecture phase, outreach and flights before I hit my deadline. I can't say enough how grateful I am for His kindness towards me and how overwhelmed my heart is by my Father's perfect love.

Another miracle happened during my school. I would not have been able to leave for my ten week outreach unless I had someone to step in and run accounts while I was away. To find and train someone is no small task. At the start of my IPHC, there were absolutely no prospects for the position. Throughout lecture phase, I prayed for God to send someone with a true desire to run accounts so that I would be able to go on outreach with my team. Week after week went by and still, as we neared our departure date, I held onto the hope that God had called me here and He would take care of my needs. A couple weeks before outreach, someone came along who was not only trained for accounts, but excited to serve in that position! This is an absolute miracle to me, as we had been looking high and low for months, and then God sent an amazing woman as the answer to our prayers. This allowed me the freedom to go on outreach without leaving my post unmanned. Only God could orchestrate something so incredible with such short notice! I honestly had some doubts creeping in right before she came along. We needed to book flights ASAP and I was the only one still waiting, unsure if I could even fly out with my team. I should know better than to ever doubt Him, He says in His word that He has given us everything we need in order to succeed and live a Godly life. It is good to be reminded that He is God and that He is good. He has given me everything I need in each season of my life, never once has he forsaken me and I know He never will. It is very encouraging to walk through seasons of fire and realize in the end that you don't even smell like smoke.


I had the most incredible time on my IPHC outreach. My worldview was challenged and my heart was changed and softened in a mighty way. I saw God's love poured out over patient after patient as I sat and talked with them, cried with them, treated them, and loved them. It is so beautiful to realize that we are the fulfillment of God's word. A mighty generation, rising up, carrying His unconditional love and word of truth to the nations.

What an incredible time to be alive! 


Medical Compassion - October 2017










To lead or not to lead...

While I was on outreach in Vanuatu, I was asked to pray about leading the Medical Compassion DTS in October. This was a huge responsibility and again not something I was going to just jump into without the Lord's guidance. As I prayed about it, I felt a bit nervous at the thought of leading a school of eighteen students, only a few short weeks after I would return from outreach. I continued to seek the Lord and pray with leadership as I waited to hear exactly what the Lord was speaking to me for my next season. I finally felt a deep peace come over me and the answer I received was yes! He spoke such promises over me, that I would walk through a season of joy even under pressure, that He would guide my steps and lead me and my team from strength to strength, all I had to do was trust Him. So I took a leap of faith and jumped into my new season as the Med Com leader. Here I would be greatly stretched and in the end, rewarded. I was so excited to have the privilege of walking alongside my students for the next five months (some of them for an entire year). They came from around the world, following God's leading straight into my team. My heart's desire was to encourage them, see them challenged and watch them grow. From the very beginning I wanted my students to know the Love of God and to hear so clearly His promises over their lives. Watching each of them become closer to the Lord, letting go of old identities and fears, and grabbing hold of their identity as sons and daughters, that was the most rewarding part of being their leader. I was so blessed to walk beside them through their lecture phase and then for two months, journey with them through the islands of Vanuatu. We had an amazing outreach and ended up traveling by ferry, plane, truck, foot and bus to bring healthcare as well as God's love and truth to the Nivan people. We did clinic after clinic, worked and taught in schools, prisons, bush clinics, churches, homes and just about any place we could find people. We went with our hearts and arms wide open and saw God tenderly and lovingly embrace the people around us. We shared so much laughter with these beautiful people as we saw the Joy of the Lord flow out of our team and into the nation. We encountered upwards of a couple thousand people while on outreach and treated over 700 patients in our pop up clinics! Many of our encounters were one on one and a time of such beautiful relationship building. I was greatly challenged throughout outreach, as I was the sole leader of a team of eleven students. We traveled from the island of Efate on to Santo, then to Malekula before traveling back again to Efate. Our outreach was incredible and we truly witnessed the protection, provision and grace of the Lord daily during our travels. Although, I did manage to step on a sea urchin while out swimming with a group of pikinini (kids). Thankfully I had my team there to support me (literally) while one of my students cut around twenty to thirty spines out of my foot with an xacto knife! This is truly what great memories are made of!

As I journeyed with my team, I was challenged to grow in many unexpected ways and blessed beyond what words can express. God chose this season as a time to release a greater level of my leadership gifting and encourage me in my identity as His daughter.

I went through many years of striving for perfection and trying my hardest to please everyone around me before God brought me to my knees several years ago. I finally let go of all the burdens I was carrying, particularly, the fear of people walking out of my life if I didn't strive to meet their expectations of me. In this last year, God has further opened my eyes and heart to who He is and through that knowledge, I have learned more about who I am. I allowed myself to trust again (not a small thing), to have faith in Him and His plan for my life. As I traveled through Vanuatu laying hands on the sick and praying for their restoration, I felt closer to the heart of God then ever before. I realized more by the day that in those moments, Jesus was being shown to them in a real and tangible way. They saw our team of people from around the world, give freely of time and resources to bring education and healthcare to their villages, to kneel beside them, pray with them, and ultimately, show them the love of Christ in a tangible way. It wasn't easy, in fact it was sometimes quite hard. However, for even one person to walk in freedom, it's worth it!

Be encouraged, God is alive and He is moving mightily throughout the world! 

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