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Blessed To Be A Blessing

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A little goes a long way

In the months and years since starting full time missions, I have had people raise their hand to support me in large and small ways. Some have donated clothing and essential items needed for outreaches. Others sent me twenty dollars in hopes it would help me pay for a much needed flight. While many have provided me with their encouragement and prayers. There is no such thing as too little. There is nothing and there is something. When I began this journey, I had fears of where my support would come from. I had to really seek God and ask if it was His will for me to quit my job and volunteer my time, savings, energy and resources to full time missions. You know what, in all these years He has never once let me down. He has always provided a way, even when I had doubts. He has encouraged me to keep on serving in the nations. To continue following Him and His plan for my life. In all this, I have a deep gratitude in my heart for all of you. I would not be able to serve if it were not for you answering the call of God to support me. I have held dying patients in my arms multiple times during my time serving overseas. As I sat there beside them, praying, I witnessed God providing miracle after miracle. One of these miracles I discovered, is the fact that I was there and able to help them! If God hadn't made a way, if you all hadn't been obedient in sending me support, if I hadn't said yes when it seemed impossible by the world's standards, then those people would have suffered alone and eventually died without knowing the fullness and breadth of the love of Jesus. Instead, He was glorified! They witnessed a team come from around the world, pay our way to freely serve them, love them, and help them without any expectations or conditions. To be a witness for Christ and to be an example of just how far His love reaches. There are thousands of people that have been reached by the teams I have served with and led. Those people will never be the same, because they know God came and by His sacrifice, we have been saved. I hope my updates are encouraging to you all. I truly pray that God blesses you seven fold for the blessing you have been to the world.

From the depths of my heart, thank you all so, so much. Thank you for believing in me, praying for me, encouraging me, and for sending me out to reach the nations. Here is my prayer for you all.


"May the Lord bless you and keep you, may He make His face to shine upon you and give you peace;

and may He cover you with His precious name, Jesus. Amen." 

Support & Prayer Needs 

  • Monthly support for housing/staffing fees - $500 per month

  • Funding for my flights in and out of Vanuatu and New Zealand (2 x $700) 

  • Funding for my flight home to celebrate Christmas with my family after almost three years ($1,200)

  • Funding for a vehicle of some kind so that I have reliable transport while overseas ($1,500-$2,000)

If you would like to partner with and support me in any way, please let me know (I have a couple of easy ways to give which are listed below). Everything helps, large and small, to support my missions work and is a huge blessing, both to me, and to the people I am serving. As I have been doing these past two, almost three years, I will continue to walk by faith and even though I don't know how He will do it, I know God will always make a way. He is such a good, good father! If you want to know more about my journey check out my newest blog! It is really hard to put all that God has done into a couple of paragraphs, but it is my heart to share with you all that is happening here on the other side of the world.


As I continue to walk out my journey, I pray that you are encouraged and that you see God in yours.
You all are in my heart and prayers, many blessings Whanau (Maori for family),
Jennifer Rae Lind    





YWAM Marine Reach Training - Jennifer Lind
237  Warner Road - RD3
Tauranga 3173

New Zealand


Email -

New Zealand Number: +64 0204 116 7493


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